
Clark-tei Kita 12-jo store

place Kita 12-jo Nishi 4-1-18

phone 011-726-0029


This restaurant is crowded with office workers at lunchtime and Hokkaido University students in the evening, where you can eat curry, hamburgers, steak, and other dishes at low prices.
This restaurant, which has been loved by students for many years, receives reservations for over 100 people every day during the welcome party season for new students in April and May.
There are also a large number of comic books, so you can relax while eating, and there are many students who come here to study.
Eat a large meal, read manga, relax, and feel like a student.
<Business hours> 11:30-23:00
*Please check the store's website and SNS for the latest business hours and regular holidays.
